Get the lowest rates with Waterloo's best insurance broker

Waterloo insurance brokers give you the best chance to save on your insurance policy. And we know with rising living expenses, saving money is more important than ever.

Our highly trained and experienced brokers have a strong reputation for customer service and finding people the best insurance rates in Waterloo. We help all residents - families, young people attending university, companies that are part of Canada’s Tech Triangle, and anyone else with insurance needs in Waterloo.

At ThinkInsure, we know insurance is not your favourite thing to shop for. It can be confusing. Our team of brokers will simplify things for you. We'll help you find the best policy for the coverage you need for a great rate.

Key takeaways about using Waterloo insurance brokers

  • As a commuter town, insurance is essential. An auto insurance broker can help you find the best policy to match your driving needs.
  • Insurance brokers can help you quickly explore coverage options with the top insurers.
  • With a broker you have access to a licensed insurance expert. Get answers to your coverage questions, claims assistance, and much more.