Enroll in the IntelliDrive program and get rewarded for driving safe

The IntelliDrive app from Travelers Canada allows drivers to get rewarded for driving safely. IntelliDrive is a usage based insurance program that helps you save on your premiums.
Drivers can save up to 25% on their insurance by enrolling in the program. Why not pay less for something you’re already doing?
New Travelers customers receive a one-time 10% enrollment discount just for signing up!
What is IntelliDrive?
IntelliDrive is a usage based insurance program offered by Travelers Insurance. It uses a smartphone app to track your driving data and monitor your performance. It tracks you for a 90-day period and then scores you based on how safely you drive. Based on the results, you could save up to 30%.
It is different than other usage based insurance programs because it only assesses your driving for a 90-day period.