Legal expense insurance designed for your business needs

Legal expense insurance is a very valuable type of protection all organizations can benefit from having. As we are all aware, legal representation is expensive. Costs are north of $400 per hour, and you can quickly rack up thousands of dollars in fees. Most small businesses need more financial resources to pay for a lawyer. You come to a point where you must choose to go into debt to have representation or move forward with no lawyer. It's not an ideal situation.

Legal expense insurance ensures you get representation when needed without risking your organization's financial well-being.

ThinkInsure will help you protect your company against liable claims and lawsuits with legal expense insurance. Compare quotes to find affordable plans.

Top things to know about legal expense insurance

  • Legal fees are expensive. All businesses can benefit from additional legal protection.
  • Legal expense insurance gives you access to legal resources and representation.
  • It’s stand-alone coverage that is a good supplemental policy to add to your existing business coverage.