Find the best rates for business interruption insurance

Does your policy include business interruption insurance? A business interruption is not something you want to think about. But a disaster could close your doors in an instant. Are you prepared and protected if you shut down temporarily if a disaster strikes?

Flooding, weather damage, fires, power outages and even vandalism could force you to close. These factors could cause you to lose out on sales and revenue. Can you survive an interruption in business? Most can’t.

It is estimated that 40% of businesses don’t recover after a disaster. 25% fail in the first year after a disaster.

Business interruption (BI) insurance helps you cover loss of income. It helps you get back to business as usual when a disaster strikes.

Top things to know about business interruption insurance

  • Business interruption insurance is additional coverage that helps support you if you are forced to close down because of unforeseen circumstances.
  • Many businesses fail to re-open after an interruption. BI coverage can provide the financial stability you need during trying times.
  • Business interruption helps you recover lost income and cover expenses while you are shut down.